The "Florida Volcano" I noticed in THE HERALD, a few days since, an article in regard to the "Florida Volcano" (so-called). Having lived in Wakulla couunty for 18 years, and since that time visited the section near the location of the supposed volcano, with hunting parties, for 18 years or more, I am quite famil- iar with the whole county. I have witnessed with my own eyes, perhaps a hundred times, this singular and mysterious column of smoke, which has given rise to so much speculation as to its reality and whereabouts. Several years since, three or four old hunting companions and woods- men and myself determined to find its origin. Our party (on horse- back, left Newport at 1 o'clock a. m., and by daylight was fifteen or twenty miles away, south-east from any house or habitation. At 12 o'clock a. m., after traveling through the lower flat- woods, we penetrated "Palmetto Swamp," or hammock, and suddenly came out on the Gulf beach, away east of the St. Mark's light-house, at a point, we have ever been confident, is not five miles from the location of this smoke. Just at that time there arose in the west one of the darkest thunder-clouds and storms I have ever witnessed, which poured ???? in floods upon us for eight ???????? hours, completely drenching ??? ???? flooding the flat- woods ??? swamps so as to render it impossible to get about without bog- ging our horses in the mud, so we had to beat a retreat to the high lands for safety. Since then I have been very anxious to have three or four deter- mined men to join me, with a good engineer, or surveyor, and two good axe-men, and make another effor, feel- ing confident of success. This "column of smoke" has existed and been seen by the oldest inhabitants of the county for the past fifty years. Indeed, it was so constantly visible, that during the war the "blockading vessels became suspi- cious of its being a Rebel camp for the manufacture of arms and ammu- nition, and on several occasions threw shells at it." Any clear, calm morn- ing the smoke can be seen from the tower of the St. Mark's light-house, or from the hill tops around Wakena. As to the existence of this smoke that's a settled fact. Its location is in the "jungles" of where Acilla, Warcissa, Ecomphena, Pin-holaway, and Pin- hook-rivers intercept each other; and I am quite sure that nowhere in the Everglades of Okeechobee, or in the dis- mal swamps of Okafanoka can there be found such unexplored an impene- trable "jungles" as are to be found at the junction of these rivers. I have no idea that any human foot-print was ever made at some points we went over. (Not even that of an Indian.) For the country seems as wild and un- explored as the worst jungles of Africa. At the point we reached there is a changed appearance of vegetable growth and location of land. There are rocky mounds with large mineral for- mation. Any "sailor" who is familiar with the coast around the mouth of these rivers will tell you that there is a mineral formation peculiar to that locality which is noticeable in the number of large rocks setting above tide water with considerable iron and other ore in them. There is one huge rock rising away above high tide water between the St. Mark's light-house and this smoke. This rock is known as the "Old Gray Mare;" presenting as it does the shape of a horse, and having been bleached white by birds roosting on it. From this rock can be had the last view of the smoke on approaching the swamp as the immense cypress. Gum and other timber shuts out all view of the smoke on landing at the mouth of these rivers. The supposed distance of the smoke is between five and ten miles from the "Gulf Coast." In the jungles of these rivers, and near this smoke, there are seemingly bottomless sinks, which ebb and flow with the tide. Then there are subterra- nean passages of water bursting out in places, running only a few hundred feet and disappearing; then others bursting out, and running in entire different directions. There can be seen large whirl-pools of water, pass- ing beneath, in some subterranean stream to mother ocean. It is very difficult to get a compass to work in this locality, such is the extreme of mineral formation. This, together with the great confusion of water courses, sinks, whirl-pools, jungles, &c., has discouraged nearly every explor- ing party, who have for years, and years past attempted to solve this hidden, yet (at a distance), plain to be seen, mystery. Cannot a reward be gotten up for the discoverer of this column of smoke. I, for one, will subscribe a reasonable amount, and I will be one of five white men, with one good surveyor, and two negro axe-men, to go in search of it. If money can be raised to pay expenses, I will go (provided I be allowed to select a starting point from which to set a compass), for such now, is my familiar- ity with the location, and, as I think, unmistakable evidences pointing to the place in question, I am sanguine of success. Had I time, I could give other and stronger evidences of its location, but for the present will with- hold; for when the country around Tallahassee becomes uncomfortably warm, and the smell of sulfur is unmistakable, perhaps Gov. Bloxham, or uncle Sam will a big reward, and I'll take the contract. Can't we work it up; millions in it, and a chance to be immortalized. --- P.M.O. in Florida Herald